Wednesday, May 27, 2009
An ice cold breeze blew this morning as a pair of small hands grasped the cold sharp steel, a pair of eyes looked out into the confusing world which was just beyond his reach. "Why am I here?" said the small boy under his breath. "What is the point of being here in this prison, forced to memorize trivial things that, by this time next year, we shall have forgotten all about?" His hands gripped the steel fence as hard as he could until his palms began to bleed. "My prison may be big and I may leave it every day, but I still return day after day, week after week, and year after gruelling year." The boy stared at the near by freeway that sat no more that three hundred feet away from where he stood. Why was he here and for what purpose?
A hand grabbed the little boys sleeve, dragging him closer and closer to the ginormous tower of steel. "But I don't want to!" wailed the little one as he kicked and squirmed to get away from his approaching doom. "Don't be such a cowered, its awesome you'll see." The boy stayed quiet. He stared at people who willingly bared themselves into this death trap, slowly made their way to the top of the tower, and suddenly were dropped and sent hurdling to the concrete below. The boy hated heights but hated falling even more. He was shoved into a seat, strapped in, and was sent on his way to the top of the steel monstrosity. The tower creaked as he sat at the top, his eyes shut tight. All of a sudden he was dropped. He screamed as he was sent hurdling to the ground below. As he opened his eyes the ride was over."Again, again!" he shouted. He wanted the adrenaline to continue.
A Lonely child sits on a swing trying desperately to not shed a tear, not to show an ounce of the sobbing boy within him."Did I do something wrong? Did I say something offencive? Why won't they come near me?" Over and over the boy contemplated each scenario. Without even realizing it the boy had been shunned away, he had become an outcast.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Using Our Herbs!!
1/3 cup chopped fresh basil
1 1/2 teaspoons seasoning salt
3/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
3/4 cup vegetable oil
1/3 cup white wine vinegar or balsamic vinegar
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice.
So next we go ahead and finely chop out basil.
Then measure a table spoon of seasoning salt and add it to the basil.
Next measure 3/4 of a tea spoon and add that to the mix.
Then measure 3/4 cup of vegetable oil or olive oil which ever you prefer.
Next add 3/4 White wine vinegar or balsamic vinegar again whatever you prefer.
Now here the recipe says to add 1 table spoon to the mix but i find a hole lemon tastes much better.
Lastly after all everything is mixed together let the concoction sit over night so the basil has time to dupers throughout the mixture.
Now this recipe is online but The alterations that I made I got from a family recipe that I got from my mother.
Now why did I do this?
Well first of all we are growing an herb garden in our classroom as a way to live sustainable. So since we grew them, why not eat them I mean that's why they are there, to eat right. Anyway as soon as i made this basil vinaigrette i had to try it. Even though I didn't let it set it still tasted epic. It had a burst of lemon followed by a kick from the basil and vinegar working together. It was soooooooooooo gooooooooooooooood ^^. now if I was to do this again I wouldn't change a thing for it's a family tradition plus if something is good why change it? What I really want to do is find more family recipes and see if i can make my own twist on it.
Monday, May 11, 2009
I Believe