An epic is a long narrative or poem used to describe a legendary or traditional hero.
Let me give you some characteristics of an epic. The deeds of the hero are presented without favoritism,revealing his failings as well as his virtues. let me give an example from homer's Iliad. "Achilles' chest was a rough knot of pain twisting around his heart: should he draw his sharp sward that hung by his thigh, scatter the ranks and gut Agamemnon, or control his temper, repress his rage?" Another characteristic of an epic is "The gods and lesser divnities play an active role in the outcome of actions." Here is what I am talking about. A quote by Athena to Achilles " I came to see if I could check this temper of yours, sent from heaven by the white-armed goddess Hera, who loves and watches over both of you men. Now come on, drop this quarrel, don't draw your sword. Tell him off instead. And I'll tell you, Achilles, how things will be: You're going to get three times as many magnificent gifts because of his arrogance. Just listen to us and be patient." One more charitoristic of an epic is the use of patronymics. Here is an example. "Daughter of Zeus!"
Now the piture at the right i chose for as my epic piture. Now to explain why. This piture has two aspects of an epic. Number one: The main charitor or protagonist is heroically lager than life, often the sourse and subject of legend or a national hero. Number two: The deeds of the hero are presented without favoritism, revealing his failings as well as his virtues. ^^ thanks forchecking out this blog^^
1 comment:
These quotes are wonderful examples of the characteristics you're explaining. It must have been difficult for Achilles to put back his sword.
Interesting twist on the Joker photo. You're right, that story does fit the characteristics of an epic you described.
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