Page:67 “Nothing could have suited me more. This was why I had come to Sparta in the first place—to witness the training close-up and to endure as much as the Lakedaemonians would permit.”
What strikes you about this passage?
For me it must be the dedication to the Spartan fleet that Xeo holds in this mind. To become powerful, to erase fear from the human heart, and to embrace death. All these characteristics he must embrace, and he welcomes them with open arms.
What was your reaction to this quote?
It must be hard to become a Spartan, to go through the trials of pain, to ignore fear, and to recognize that eventually die in battle. For a ten year old kid that must have been heart breaking, to leave your childhood and become a Spartan warrior, to go to war, and to fight to the death with the enemy, it must have been hard.
Page: 77 “At fourteen he was as strong as any in his age-class or the class above, but dehydration in combination with exhaustion overcame him. He collapsed near the end of the second watch and fell into that state of convulsive torpor the Spartans call nekrophaneia, the Little Death…”
What is your reaction to this quote?
Holy Crap!!! The training these boys must of gone through had to be nuts. For a kid to be in that state and for it to be a normal thing in the culture had to reflect how powerful the Spartan warriors were.
What questions does this raise for you?
How extensive was the Spartan training? How were these kids prepared for this trial of endurance? Did these training stiles work to make these boys stronger and more effective in battle?
Page: 87 “The Spartans are school to regard the foe, any foe, as nameless and faceless. In their minds it is the mark of an ill-prepared and amateur army to rely in the moments before battle on what they call pseudoandreia, false courage…”
What strikes you about this passage?
The disregard for the enemy’s numbers and battle strategies tells that the Spartan armada must have been a powerful army to say the least. Charging into battle with no knowledge of who the enemy is, is a great feat indeed.
What point is the author trying to make here?
The point is that the Spartan army didn’t have to know their enemy to defeat them. Just their battle strategies were important to them. To work as one unit was the key to their success.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Dialectic Journal
“Our city, my city. Now was affaced utterly. We who called ourselves Astakiots were affaced wit it. Without a city, who were we? What were we?”
What point is the author trying to make here?
I think the author is trying to show the readers how important a city was to people back then. Without a city, an army for protection, or friends and family to go back home to people go into a state of detachment from the world.
Do you agree with the author?
Yes I do. This even applies to our modern world. Think for second that you’re in a small village somewhere, just doing the things you would normally do. Then suddenly out of nowhere all of that was taken away from you. Your home lays in ashes, friends panicking trying to get away, family dying before your eyes, and innocent people being ripped apart limb from limb for no other reason than to conquer you. I think the only way to deal with that at first is to be detached from reality, to think that it was all a dream.
“They say that ghosts sometimes, those that cannot let go their bond to the living, linger and haunt the scenes of their days under the sun, hovering like substanceless birds of carrion, refusing Hades’ command to retire beneath the earth. That’s how we lived, Bruxieus, Diomache and I, in the weeks following the sack of our city.”
What strikes you about this passage?
The comparison of the way they lived the weeks after the attack to ghosts who can’t be put to rest for some bond to the living was a really smart and creative way to put it. It really brought me into the feelings of the charters and how the attack affected them.
What point is the author trying to make here?
The author wants the readers to know what the victims of war go through and what they usually have to go through to survive.
“Terror of the sack spread throughout all Greece as word began coming, from the lips of too many to be disbelieved, of the scale of His Majesty’s mobilization in the east and his intent to put all Hellas to the torch.”
What strikes you about this passage?
It’s just the way information traveled back then is amassing. News traveled just by word alone and to reach throughout a country I think is incredible how fast it could travel.
What is your reaction to this quote?
I felt a sense of awe and wonderment. To think that news traveled so fast without technology is amazing to me.
What point is the author trying to make here?
I think the author is trying to show the readers how important a city was to people back then. Without a city, an army for protection, or friends and family to go back home to people go into a state of detachment from the world.
Do you agree with the author?
Yes I do. This even applies to our modern world. Think for second that you’re in a small village somewhere, just doing the things you would normally do. Then suddenly out of nowhere all of that was taken away from you. Your home lays in ashes, friends panicking trying to get away, family dying before your eyes, and innocent people being ripped apart limb from limb for no other reason than to conquer you. I think the only way to deal with that at first is to be detached from reality, to think that it was all a dream.
“They say that ghosts sometimes, those that cannot let go their bond to the living, linger and haunt the scenes of their days under the sun, hovering like substanceless birds of carrion, refusing Hades’ command to retire beneath the earth. That’s how we lived, Bruxieus, Diomache and I, in the weeks following the sack of our city.”
What strikes you about this passage?
The comparison of the way they lived the weeks after the attack to ghosts who can’t be put to rest for some bond to the living was a really smart and creative way to put it. It really brought me into the feelings of the charters and how the attack affected them.
What point is the author trying to make here?
The author wants the readers to know what the victims of war go through and what they usually have to go through to survive.
“Terror of the sack spread throughout all Greece as word began coming, from the lips of too many to be disbelieved, of the scale of His Majesty’s mobilization in the east and his intent to put all Hellas to the torch.”
What strikes you about this passage?
It’s just the way information traveled back then is amassing. News traveled just by word alone and to reach throughout a country I think is incredible how fast it could travel.
What is your reaction to this quote?
I felt a sense of awe and wonderment. To think that news traveled so fast without technology is amazing to me.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Someday you will be loved
I once knew a girl
In the years of my youth
With eyes like the summer
All beauty and truth
In the morning I fled
Left a note and it read
Someday you will be loved.
I cannot pretend that I felt any regret
Cause each broken heart will eventually mend
As the blood runs red down the needle and thread
Someday you will be loved
You'll be loved you'll be loved
Like you never have known
The memories of me
Will seem more like bad dreams
Just a series of blurs
Like I never occurred
Someday you will be loved
You may feel alone when you're falling asleep
And everytime tears roll down your cheeks
But I know your heart belongs to someone you've yet to meet
Someday you will be loved
You'll be loved you'll be loved
Like you never have known
The memories of me
Will seem more like bad dreams
Just a series of blurs
Like I never occurred
Someday you will be loved
You'll be loved you'll be loved
Like you never have known
The memories of me
Will seem more like bad dreams
Just a series of blurs
Like I never occurred
Someday you will be loved
Someday you will be loved
In the years of my youth
With eyes like the summer
All beauty and truth
In the morning I fled
Left a note and it read
Someday you will be loved.
I cannot pretend that I felt any regret
Cause each broken heart will eventually mend
As the blood runs red down the needle and thread
Someday you will be loved
You'll be loved you'll be loved
Like you never have known
The memories of me
Will seem more like bad dreams
Just a series of blurs
Like I never occurred
Someday you will be loved
You may feel alone when you're falling asleep
And everytime tears roll down your cheeks
But I know your heart belongs to someone you've yet to meet
Someday you will be loved
You'll be loved you'll be loved
Like you never have known
The memories of me
Will seem more like bad dreams
Just a series of blurs
Like I never occurred
Someday you will be loved
You'll be loved you'll be loved
Like you never have known
The memories of me
Will seem more like bad dreams
Just a series of blurs
Like I never occurred
Someday you will be loved
Someday you will be loved
Friday, October 17, 2008

Man this year has been... i don't even know the words to describe it. I normally don't really like politics that much anyway but this year i couldn't stand it. Obama's talk about change, what change.. do you even know what your going to do if you become president?? Can you at least tell the people of the USA that much!
Another thing I can't stand is the way all the candidates keep telling how each one isn't perfect or that they got a DUI or that they are too old and so on. I mean come on who cares what there child did or that they are extremely old that shouldn't have anything to do with the elections. It just gets way too old.
The last thing why I haven't watched this years elections is that the candidates just aren't the best we've had. I have nothing against either of the candidates but Mccain is way too old and Obama is way too inexperienced. Mccain is either going to die in office or have a nerves brake down and go insane and Obama is not going to have the resolve that this country needs.
Friday, October 10, 2008
my personal hero
piture blog ^^

This photo is one of the best of Heath playing the Joker.
This photo depicts how sadistic someone can get if he or she wanted to. Plus I like the Joker way too much. This pick shows a creepy, evil, crazy side of the confused and demented Joker. Isn't it awesome!!! just one look at this pick and you can tell he has something in his head that just isn't human. The angle of his head and the position he is in just has a sense of mischief about it.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Preview, Predict, Code....

1. How accurate were your predictions?
My predictions were mostly right except for a few details
2.Which predictions were very accurate?
One prediction made was that the book was about family and courage. Through out the book the theme of family appears a lot in almost every chapter.
3.Which predictions were less accurate? What were the differences between what you predicted and what actually happened?
I predicted that there would be a lot of happiness in the story, I was wrong. There was some happiness but mostly sadness and heartache.
Friday, October 3, 2008
humdrum weekend

Last weekend me and some friends went to The Coronado Hotel. As me and my friends wandered the hallowed halls of the hotel we decided to grab a bite to eat. As we walked toward the berated beach we tried to find a place to sit to indulge in our decedent desserts. As we delightfully dined on our tasteful treats I find myself looking out into the sea. The tantalizing twinkle when the sun hits the water recoiling my retinas making me look away. Rubbing my eyes I turned back to my friends who were stuffing their faces with fresh fruit covered in chocolate.
After our little feeding frenzy we decided to go back to the hotel. Creeping back into the hotel we caught sight of our ride about to leave. Frantically trying to free ourselves from our stuffed sluggish motions to get to our ride. Though we got to our ride in time we knew we would have gigantic stomachache later.
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