Man this year has been... i don't even know the words to describe it. I normally don't really like politics that much anyway but this year i couldn't stand it. Obama's talk about change, what change.. do you even know what your going to do if you become president?? Can you at least tell the people of the USA that much!
Another thing I can't stand is the way all the candidates keep telling how each one isn't perfect or that they got a DUI or that they are too old and so on. I mean come on who cares what there child did or that they are extremely old that shouldn't have anything to do with the elections. It just gets way too old.
The last thing why I haven't watched this years elections is that the candidates just aren't the best we've had. I have nothing against either of the candidates but Mccain is way too old and Obama is way too inexperienced. Mccain is either going to die in office or have a nerves brake down and go insane and Obama is not going to have the resolve that this country needs.
I totally agree. Really good post. What change?? haha. :] good job.
Let's hope the change will be the candidates (Ba dum chhh) Seems like a lot of people share this opinion -high five-
nice! amen foo. I totally hate that everyone picks on mccain for being old. i mean seriously, hes in really good condition for Vietnam war prisoner veteran.
I agree with you about Obama talking about change. "We can change this world with CHANGE!"
I noticed a few grammar/spelling mistakes, it bothers me (I'm a bit perfectionist when comes to writing ¬_¬)
The last paragraph is really good. McCain breaking down and Obama not resolving anything is what this world needs :P
spell check...but really good points. I really hope things get better.
Oh spell check, my friend. Where are you?
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