Sunday, July 12, 2009

Comic-Con ist comming...

Ist comming.......soon. SO close are we to seeing it's magnificent glory again. It's epic wins, it's epic fails, and all others in between. As the CON approches I am (along with my fellow geeks,nerds, and odd balls) despretly and egarly awaiting its arival. To those who join in this most awesome of awesome events I ask you this quetion with utter intrest. Are You READY FOR THE CON?!?!!!!


Ms. Charlotte said...

I would so love to go to Comic Con. Can you believe I've lived here for 13 years and STILL never been? Geez, what's wrong with me?

:bangs head on desk:

Spencer said...

awwwwww Charlotte....that horible we must take you next year for it should be better than this one. I shall send you the photos from con as soon as I upload them to my computer ^^ 35 buck for four days + the preview day...not a bad price if you ask me but you got to buy early less they run out ^^

Ms. Charlotte said...

Dude, let me know when you buy tickets for next year!

Spencer said...

i definatly will