Friday, August 29, 2008

My hero The Joker!!!!

For me my hero would defiantly be the Joker. I know what your thinking, the Joker is a villain, he is bad and all that kind of stuff but he is my hero for he thinks outside the box and that is something I can respect and admire. Yes he used his ability for evil and that is wrong but even so think if that ability was used in a military situation. That kind of brain power would be unstoppable. To be so intelligent to be around five steps ahead of your opponent I think is awesome. Anyway that is why the Joker is my hero.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

30 things people don't know about me

1.i cant spell very well
2.i am very random great great grandma was from poland
4.i love anime
5.i own an akatsuki cloak
6.i love video games
7. im realy nerdy
8. i love weird al
9.i couldn't live without music
10. i've broken my leg in three places twice
11.i just got my first phone
12.i have no talent what so ever
13.i like pie a lot i mean a lot
14.i love all dogs
15.i did oun a katana
16.i love the band disturbed
17.i haven't been out of california exsept for arizona
18.i scared of bees
19.i tell it like it is
20.i use to be realy shy
21.i have a dark side
22.i love #4,5,6 of the star wars series
23.i want to learn how to disine video games
24.i dont like american idol
25.i like the old james bond movies
26.i can't dance
27.i was a very influanced by my uncle and my cousins
28.i hate vanilla iceing on cakes
29.i like to swim
30.finally i'd be bored out of my if not for my friends
31. i have vexen's laugh apparently lol
32. i envented the tobi smilly ^_\